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Calling all IMOYA Qualifiers who have not register yet!
This is to inform you that the registration of IMOYA 2023 has been extended until January 31st (2023). To register, please visit this link: Links to view the IMOYA 2023 Qualifiers, Batch 1: Batch 2: For inquiries, please send a message to
Second Batch of Qualifiers for IMOYA 2023
We would like to inform the public that the names appearing in the attached photos are the second batch of qualifiers for this year's International Math Open for Young Achievers (IMOYA) 2023 which will be held in Singapore on March 24-27, 2023. And as such, you (qualifiers) who are interested in joining the said contest must register through this link: Details of travel expenses will be sent to you via email. For inquiries, please contact the person in charge at
2022-2023 MCFKTP announcement
The country’s No. 1 Math Training Program for your Child is NOW Ready for In-Person Training Class Come and Gain a Competitive Advantage… Register NOW thru this link
Join Now! Pi Math Contest – Online
Filipino mathletes wind up SYA math contest with 165 awards
The Philippines makes another remarkable feat, bagging 17 gold, 47 silver, 63 bronze, and 38 merit awards in the SYA Friendship International Mathematics Competition held online on July 31, 2021. Showing their up-to-the-mark performance in the individual contest are the 17 gold awardees whose unabated zeal and excellence transfer over in the competition. The SYAFIMC organizers were impressed at how the Filipino mathletes fare in the competition. In their email, they said, “Your students exhibited an excellent performance, which obviously reflects how nurture and nature have made them outstanding in this year’s contest. The Philippine result has become a yardstick of what quality is all about.” These are the following Filipino math wizards whose limelight deserves the nation’s accolade for winning gold, silver, [...]
Filipino number aces grab 76 awards in Pan-Asia Pacific math contest
It’s another victory for the Filipino mathletes for winning out a total of 76 medals and awards in the Pan-Asia Pacific (PAP) International Mathematics Invitation Competition, which was held on July 17, 2021. This year, our math wizards garnered twelve gold, eighteen silver, and twenty-two bronze medals plus twenty-four merit awards. This online math contest, organized by the Hong Kong Gifted Education Association and Macao Mathematics Education Study Association was an individual competition composed of 12 questions requiring short solutions answered in 60 minutes. Making every Filipino feel fulfilled and triumphant are these high-fliers in the PAP International Mathematics Competition: